Swindon Does Arts / News / Wed 6th Mar 2013 Are we allowing great works of arts to disintegrate?

Interesting article on the BBC website regarding the state of Britain's best murals. Made us think about the murals we have in Swindon, some of which were produced by artist Ken White in the 1970s, including one opposite Jury's Inn in the Town Centre. In 2009, Swindon Does Arts commissioned Ken to repaint this Golden Lion mural. Ken painted the oriignal mural in 1976 to mark the centenary of Alfred William's birth. It was repainted in 1983 and again in 2009.
See some of the weblinks about Swindon's murals..
Do you have a favourite mural in Swindon?
For more information visit http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-21630984/