Swindon Does Arts / News / Fri 4th Mar 2016 Public encouraged to contribute to new art work

Hundreds of beautiful butterflies will land inside the Central Library as part of a new community art project that will get underway next week.
People in Swindon are being encouraged to visit the Regent Circus library to create their own butterflies to add to a new permanent art display, which will be unveiled at the launch of the Swindon Festival of Literature on Thursday, 17 March.
Once complete, the art work will be placed on the back wall of the children’s storytelling ‘pod’ and will be approximately 4 metres wide by 3 metres high.
The Artswords-funded project will see artists Gordon and Toni Dickinson of No Added Sugar and poet Hilda Sheehan on hand at three sessions next week to help people leave their creative mark in the library.
Artswords offers opportunities to writers by supporting writing groups, offering one-to-one support for emerging writers and organising various writing competitions. The programme also works with other art-forms and supports arts projects in Swindon.
The butterfly making sessions, which are free and do not require people to sign up in advance, will be held on the following days:
Monday, 7 March from 10am until 1pm
Thursday, 10 March from 12noon until 4pm
Saturday, 12 March from 11am until 2.30pm
To take part, just find the team on the Ground Floor of the Central Library on the dates listed above
For more information visit http://www.swindonnews.org.uk/public-encouraged-to-contribute-to-new-artwork-inside-central-library/